Fred Daniell / Instructional Designer & Learning Developer

Instructional designer and learning developer based in Cincinnati Ohio. With over 13 years experience my focus has been to work with organizations to identify knowledge and training gaps, determine the correct tools and format for development solutions, and use my skillset to create tools that are engaging and goal driven.

Design Samples

  • Saks Lifecylcle of a Case

    Part of the a large curriculum revamp for the Saks agent onboarding program, these videos lay the foundation for the Lifecycle of a Case so when agents work through systems and processes, they understand the general flow and customer needs.

  • Staples Soft Skills training and sustainment program

    Facilitator lead (virtual) training focused on integrating soft skills into everyday customer service processes. Includes facilitator lessons, audio roleplays, assessments/activities, and sustainment program.

  • Saks Order Details Simulation

    This simulation helped Saks customer service agents get hands on experience with their systems prior to gaining access. This allows agents to gain experience in a safe environment and the reporting functions allow team leads to understand skill gaps so they can continue to train them.

  • Staples Conveying Advocacy Quiz Game

    Custom quiz game built to help sustain ongoing soft skills training and coaching. This tool helps agents recall and then apply soft skills in scenarios. Includes custom scoring system and personalized game play.

  • Saks Playvox change management rollout

    Saks deployed it’s new Workforce Management tool in Jan. 2023. Because of their existing off-site BPO infrastructure, a clear change management rollout was needed that included training videos, announcements, and job aids.

  • Knowledge Management Style Guide: System revamp

    Consultant project to revamp Knowledge Management system used by front line customer service agents. The goal was to improve system searches/functionality and create a style guide to make articles more efficient.

  • Chiquita Fresh Tour online training

    Online course including custom design, course content, and assessment.

  • Google Forms: How to Make a Quiz

    This simulation and video based course includes storyboard examples, fully narrated directions, and a supplemental job aid.

  • City Studios website

    Architecture website design that showcases large amounts of technical project information and photographs that are presented in a user friendly format.

  • Chevron Global Aviation: “AFPQ Basics” online course

    Online course developed for Chevron Global Aviation. Built from and adapted existing content including custom html video player.