Saks Order Details Simulation


Part of the new agent onboarding curriculum at Saks utilizes simulations after the agents review processes and tools. This allows them to further engrain these concepts through hands on experience. This is important in the onboarding phase when agents do not have access to these systems/tools. Agents are shown the CSR support tool by reviewing all of the functions related to order details. Additionally, an assessment is used to measure the agent’s retention. This content was published in CMI5 format where I was able to build custom reports that can be used to identify training gaps as it relates to agent CSAT scores and other metrics.

Project info:

    • Storyboarding

    • Script writing and simulation development

    • Graphic design

    • CMI5 scripting and reports development

    • LRS Management

    • Articulate Storyline

    • Adobe Creative Suite

    • Xyleme LRS

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