Saks Lifecycle of a Case videos and facilitation



When I joined Saks they needed a complete revamp of their new customer service agent onboarding program. This included recreating all of the facilitation decks and to support this we created a series of introductory videos about the Lifecycle of a Case. Before an agent can being to work through systems and processes it is important that they have a strong understanding of how orders and cases move through Saks systems. The first focus was on the Lifecycle of a Case. I wrote, recorded, and edited three videos by partnering with stakeholders from multiple business units in order to create a wholistic introduction to the fundamentals of case management. Then I created a facilitation deck to further their exposure to these concepts. This set of training serves as an introduction of new agents to the onboarding process.

Project info:

    • Interviewing SMEs across multiple teams

    • Video production

    • Script writing and narration recording

    • Facilitation deck development

    • Graphic design

    • Camtasia

    • Adobe Creative Suite

    • Google Slides

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